Two social events are planned for conference. Registration fee covers both of them. Therefore, we advise to plan your arrivals and departures accordingly.
Welcome mixer
To welcome you in Ceske Budejovice, several party tents will be installed on the open space between buildings A and B within the campus of the University of South Bohemia. Dinner will be served as buffet, and selection of meaty, vegetarian and vegan meals will be offered. The dinner will be accompanied with wines, beers and non-alcoholic drinks and music.
Note from
Conference dinner
Conference dinner will be served as banquet in the Clarion Congress Hotel. The hotel is very close to the city centre, about 10 min by bus from the campus, or up to 20 min walk. This sit-down dinner will again consist from selection of meaty, vegetarian and vegan meals accompanied with matching wines and beers. The event is booked from 6:30 PM till 1 AM, and band Corebells will play to dance and listening.